Seniors patriotic
party ideas for
entertainers and activity personnel 
In Nursing Homes - Assisted Living - Independent Living Communities - Rehab facilities, at home, etc.
There are four very patriotic days that come to mind, the Fourth of July, Flag Day and Memorial Day and 9/11.
The party is about our great country, the music, costumes or decorations and props.
Great favorites are the small American flags on a stick that folks can wave.
You can ask the residents to wear some red, white or blue clothes or all three colors to match the theme.
Food! A great idea is a cake with red and white stripes and blueberries for the stars.
If you are fancy, you can use strawberries for the red stripes.
The music should be a good mix with patriotic songs such as "Star Spangled Banner" "Yankee Doodle" and "Over There" and songs about America. |
Old Patriotic Songs
I've found that songs like "Oh Suzannah" and "Yellow Rose of Texas" and other state named songs really mix well with the standard patriotic and military theme songs such as the Marine Corps Hymn and The Caissons Go Rolling Along, The Air Force Song, The Navy Song, the Star Spangled Banner, Yankee Doodle Boy, etc..
Some of the old western and civil war songs have patriotic themes to them.
Of course, you invite all of the residents and maybe families, as well.
So many patriotic songs a very well known so you can get a great sing-a-long going.
A nice touch is using patriotic themed napkins and plates and or table cloths.
I like the party favors and propsbecause they really give it the flavor of patriotism.
This works well with residents who are in assisted living facilities, independent living facilities, those who have dementia and Alzheimer's, as well as seniors who live at home.
You can sing patriotic songs, and it will be quite authentic. |