It's all about musical entertainment for senior citizens wherever they are.
Senior citizen entertainment is a specialty.
Here are tips, information, and useful links.
Entertain for residents
in an assisted living facility
Assisted Living facilities usually cater to elderly and some younger who need a little bit of help in their daily lives.
These people are retired and want to enjoy life.
Mostly they can function on their own and are mentally alert.
The entertainment for these people has to be presented in a more cautious fashion.
They are aware of what a bad singer is or poor repertoire or out of tune instruments or a shabby presentation.
They will be more vocal in their criticism at the next resident council meeting, and you have to be aware as an entertainer that to get a repeat gig you had better not give a poor performance.
The group can tolerate more modern music in the mix.
You will often find people well below the senior citizen age as residents because they have some medical or physical problem but are mentally alert.
I have found that mixing more songs from 20 years ago and before that can be fine if you choose more appropriate and popular ones.
You need not revert to material that is 50 or 60 years old for the whole performance.
A few sing-a-longs still do work with this group as with nearly every group.
I always try to bring fresh material to every return engagement so as not to be criticized for playing the same old songs every time.
For me, it's easy as I have over 500 songs in my repertoire.
Often the residents will engage you in conversation after a performance, and it is a good idea to make friends at this time because they will more likely support you in the next resident council vote for who comes back to play again.