Musical entertainment for Senior Citizens. Tips, information, and useful links for entertainers, event organisers and activity directors. Senior citizen entertainment is a specialty.

There are many different ideas that you can use for a theme party.
In the navigation bars of this page, you can find several pages of various theme party ideas and how to plan them and how to entertain for them.
Musical entertainment is usually the focal point of a theme party.
Besides the ones that I have created web pages for on this site here is a list of other ideas.
1 Hollywood party
With a Hollywood theme and picture posters of film actors as well as costumed personnel dressed as famous actors and actresses.
For music add movie and television theme songs. Use decorations and props.
2 Sports Party
We are lucky to have the Super Bowl and The World Series to create a party around. The Olympics are a bonus. "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" is a must. "Sweet Caroline" is another.
Team jerseys and posters etc. are good for decorations and props.
It would be fun to run betting on the outcome of a game (if it were legal).
Maybe using fake money.
Oh and food! There are a lot of fun foods for a snack.
3 The 4th of July
The entertainer mixes in some patriotic music and guests can sing a long.
Red, white, and blue are the colors, and those little flags that can be waved in your hand are a great giveaway to the guests.
There are so many decorations from which to choose. I like the flags.
Cookouts with barbecue and indoor parties are fun!
If you are lucky, there is a 4th of July parade on the street in front of your facility. How about a bus trip to see the parade.
4 Mardi Gras
An entertainer who can play some Cajun and Zydeco, as well as a bit of New Orleans jazz, is a great idea. Shrimp and barbecue are perfect. Get the costumes and beads and --- Ye Yai'lle Cherie

5 St. Patty's Day
Irish Celebration. Use an entertainer who can play Irish music. Here are a bunch of Irish songs and lyrics with chords.
Hats and fake green beer or a green cake with shamrock decorations. St. Patrick's Day is fun as everybody is Irish on St. Patrick's day.
6 Happy New Year
At midnight, (or a fake midnight) An entertainer should sing Auld Lang Syne and everyone should have party favors and those irritating buzzer things that you blow into as well as some confetti! As long as I don't have to clean up after it. Champagne or ginger ale in plastic champagne glasses to toast the New Year. Lots of live music and good company.
7 Thanksgiving
A time for our community and family to get together to have fun and make memories.
Turkey and familiar decorations with some old favorite sing-a-ling songs do the trick. It would be fun to dress like pilgrims and use some Thanksgiving props and decorations.
8 Christmas
Celebrate the holidays with the entertainer singing Christmas songs. Decorations and favors make it more memorable. A host or hostess might want to afford small gifts to be opened for each guest. Christmas songs are great for a sing-a-long. An appearance by Santa is a great finish.

9 Super Bowl
Party and cheer for your team whether winning or losing. What the heck celebrate football with an after game music party!
Have chips and dip, traditional junk food and drinks with some fun live music. What about some betting on the side? Try using fake money.

10 Valentines Day
Better not forget this one or you're in the doghouse.
There are lots of wonderful romantic songs for an entertainer to sing. I like Sinatra's "Love and Marriage". You can compile a set list just for the day of just the right music to set the mood.
This is an easy set list to create because most songs are love songs. You've got to have decorations.
Red is the theme color, and so red clothing is perfect to set the mood.
11 Mother's Day
Put together a few songs that are particularly a tribute to mothers.
Everybody loves their mother, (even the bad guys) so don't forget your mom. She didn't forget you. There are some mother songs out there. It would be so nice to have some corsages to pin on the mother's. This is a nice day to have a music party and invite the families.
12 Father's Day
Your Dad worked his butt off to take care of his kids now show some appreciation. Have a party. Men love some certain songs a bit more than women. Usually "Take Me Out To the Ball Game and patriotic songs work well with men. I like to ask the guys if they served in the military. I can sing the theme songs of each branch of the military for them. Army - "When the Caissons Go Rolling Along" etc.!
13 Octoberfest
Beer - Beer - Beer and lot's of fun. Get your supplies of party stuff at the online store below.
Play polka songs and celebrate with props and table decor. If you have the nerve wear lederhosen. Polkas are very much a fun type of music so be sure to play plenty of them for this theme.
14 Easter
So many decorations and favors to get for that party... Shop below easily and quickly.
Sing the "Easter Parade" and any other Easter song that you can think of.
I love those marshmallow rabbits and chocolate bunnies. The decor for Easter is nice. You can have an after the music party Easter egg hunt.
This is a hopping party. You've got to play a bunch of swing tunes from The Andrews Sisters to Bobby Darin and Frank Sinatra Etc. The late 30's and 40's and early 50's were great times for swing music. The fedora hats are so cool!
16 "50's Night"
The 50's were a fun time. The entertainer should bring lot's of nostalgic music to make the party HOP! The entertainer and the guests should get dressed up in old fifties gear or just some costume hats etc. and the party makes itself happen. If you can get some good dancers to get up front it really adds to the show.
17 "Halloween"
There are some really fun Halloween songs such as "The Monster Mash", "The Adams Family", "The Flying Purple People Eater" and" Hey There Little Red Riding Hood"etc.
Get the costumes on and have some fun! A costume contest is always a great idea? Employees and or residents. You can have a prize for the best costume. Judge it by applause so that you are off the hook as far as getting blamed by a loser. Ha Ha
18 Weddings
The music is traditional. You can have a throwing of the bouquet and a first dance and wedding party dance and a cutting of the cake "The Bride Cuts The Cake" song etc. It could be the second time around or third. A real first wedding, or as I did a wedding party in a nursing home where the employees got dressed up brides maids gowns and groomsmen in suits.It was a recreation of a resident couples's wedding, sort of a renewal of vows. Nice...
Weddings are the biggest and most important party of a lifetime. Decorate and get some favors etc. here!
19 "Pirate Theme"
Get an entertainer to play pirate music like Yo Ho Ho And A Bottle Of Rum and wear pirate costumes. "Aarrrggghhh mateys, lets carouse and drink our grog!"
There are so many props and decorations from which to choose.
The songs are available on the web site
You can make some grog.
Captain Roger's recipe for grog:
1 Cup or mug
2 Shot of rum
3 Teaspoon of powdered sugar
4 Lime juice - Squeeze a piece of lime to prevent scurvy.
5 Cinnamon stick.
6 Boiling water (fill 'er up)
7 Let it cool enough, then... Drink Hearty Mates!

20 The Trip Around The World.
If you are really lucky you can find someone like (me) who can play and sing in 11 languages. This enables me to present a program that I call "The Trip Around The World".
People who still retain a language other than English will be very happy to hear a song or songs sung in their native language. It is presented with a bit of narrative to the introduction of each song.