Fund Raisers 1
You need to raise some money for your entertainment budget.
Here are some tried and true ideas.
First of all if your company is a 501(c)(3) qualified institution you can raise money a bit easier by pointing out the tax deductions that corporations, companies and people can take for their donation. Because it is deductible, it costs them nothing to donate up to their maximum donation limit. |
A few nursing homes that I go to have a resident or volunteer who sits in the lobby near the reception desk at a small table and sells raffle tickets to anyone who passes her by.
They usually have a nice basket of goodies and sometimes more than one item.
The person running the raffle ticket sales gains a sense of self esteem and a feeling that she is doing something productive. For her that is the bonus.
Bake Sale:
Employees and activities people donate baked goods for a one day bake sale. If, as an activity, the residents have a hand in baking some items then they also have the bonus of being an indispensable part of something.
Congratulations on a job well down and a pat on the back after makes for a real up-lifting experience for some. |
Fair in the courtyard.
A fair is an excuse to generate some money for the residents entertainment budget. Local newspapers often will be glad to announce such a thing for free and cover it in the news, as well.
You can sell booth space to appropriate vendors, as well as sell crafts made by residents and volunteers etc. You've got to have music. A bonus is food sales.
The dietary department can help with hot dogs and hamburgers on a grill and a few other items as well as ice cream and maybe even cotton candy.
Sell tickets to buy food, and you can keep track of the money easier with less people handling money.
Residents get free food of course as this would be during mealtime and maybe all day. There is a double value here. One is that the fair is free entertainment for the residents and the money raised is the second.
Sell T-Shirts and hats with the facility's name on it and/or the name of the fair. If you make some don't put a date on them so that you can use them at a later fair, as well. |
Dollar dress down day:
On special days such as Super bowl Sundays or World Series days or the last Friday of the month for an example, the staff can pay a dollar to come to work dressed down. Some might like sports team jerseys, etc.. |
Candy counter.
A facility that I entertain at on a monthly basis has a candy counter that is visible as you walk into the building.
The activities department manages it.
You can choose from candy bars and Fritos and such.
(I always indulge).
The money goes to activities.
Book Fair:
Books that are donated are sold. You can ask for donations from book stores who often have a surplus of books that were unsold and might be donated, or ask employees and visitors to donate.
It ends up that if it is well announced as being a one time event, it will work even with the other employees buying books. You can also have a small kiosk near the main entrance to sell books on a regular basis. |